As more people learn about Gadolinium Toxicity, the topic continues to grow enabling new and open dialogue. This list provides a few options, is not an inclusive list. It is the responsibility of every individual or caregiver to do their research.
Feel free to check back often as we will post updates.
A one-stop website to facilitate education about Gadolinium-Based Contrast Agents, the science, the status, the patients, resources, research and so much more!
Have you had an MRI with contrast?
Gadolinium, a toxic heavy metal from the lanthanide series of the periodic table, was injected into your bloodstream.
Website url:
Raising Awareness to Gadolinium Contrast.
To ensure research and relevant information about this drug is easily accessible to anyone searching to find answers before/after having an MRI with Contrast.
Website url:
Tips for Managing Gadolinium Deposition and Toxicity. (Facebook)
(an extension of Living with Gadolinium, LLC)
An educational resource page for tips, products, & protocols to help patients understand there are many options when managing Gadolinium Deposition & Toxicity.
Information shared on this site is NOT to be taken as medical advice.
Website url:
shedding light on the effects of retained gadolinium from Contrast MRI
One of the original websites for Gadolinium information
We started the Lighthouse Project to shed light on the effects of retained Gadolinium from Gadolinium-Based Contrast Agents (GBCAs) used for contrast-enhanced MRIs and MRAs. This website is part of our effort to increase awareness of the effects of Gadolinium Toxicity.
Website url:
"My goal is to guide you on your journey of transformation into a healthier, revitalized, vibrant, authentic version of yourself."
Contact information:
Phone: +44 7867 536229
Website url:
Book: Available on Amazon - Contrasts: More than Meets the MRI -
When an individual joins a support group, they are encouraged to report any/all symptoms experienced. Often it is unknown if the contrast or the machine, or both may be the cause of the adverse reaction, so patients are encouraged to file reports in both systems. Reporting, whether it’s for gadolinium or other medical issues, helps us all.
MedWatch (FAERS) is the official FDA site to report adverse reactions related to gadolinium contrast.
MDR (MAUDE) is the official FDA site to report adverse reactions
related to the MRI machine.
Dr. Richard Semelka - One of the utmost leading published authors and expert on chelation as it related to GDD (Gadolinium Deposition Disease).
Providing medical consulting in Radiology, body MRI image interpretation, medicolegal work, and Gadolinium Toxicity. As a radiologist in practice for over 36 years and author of 370 peer-reviewed papers and 16 text-books, Dr. Semelka has the skills and expertise to provide all the tools, guidance, and support his clients need.
MRI Gadolinium Contrast Safety Side Effects & Toxicity Research
MRI Injuries and Side Effects
Facebook group for patients who have had non-contrast MRIs
with concerns about burns or other issues.
Kontrastmittel Selbsthilfegruppe Vergiftet durch MRT
The reference articles and/or links are to information that has been made public. This site does not own any of this content, nor are we liable to anything stated within the files. It is published here to help drive education on the topic of Gadolinium. We strongly recommend reaching out to the author(s) for more details or clarification.